7 best ways to use SNAPCHAT in your business

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Yeah… It’s great news. You now have another flexible marketing channel to engage with your customers and audiences. But this may be a little tricky or confusing if you’ve never used Snapchat before and don’t know how to apply this platform to your business strategy. Fortunately, you’re in luck. Here we are sharing the top 7 ways to use Snapchat for your better business. 

1. A frequent story teller 

Once you start with Snapchat marketing, you should be active in it, and start creating your stories in Snapchat frequently, and it will automatically remove after 24 Hours. This will help to feel your brand / business is very fresh in the market. 

2. Increase your social media presence

Snapchat has over 100 millions of  daily active users and the most used age category is 16-14. This younger  part of your target audience, increasing your social media presence using Snapchat for business will help you reach them out. 

3. Interact with other Snapchat users

Snapchat gives you a large variety of ways to communicate with other users, specifically  that they are all private. These kind of communication are as follows: 

  • Adding Users: To add a user to your contact list, you can search for it by name or point your camera on its QR code. You can also connect to your phone contact so that everyone with Snapchat is added to your community. 
  • Sending Snaps: You can share photos and videos with other users (this is the major activity of Snapchat). Keep in mind that if you take a screenshot of a photo or video, the owner of that media content will be notified. 

5. Create Geofilters 

One of the main advantages of Snapchat is that it allows you to create Geofilters to boost your business in a visual way in the different locations that users can analyze through the app. Geofilters are cover images or logos that broadcast where a user is located at any given time. 

So, we suggest creating the Geofilter of your business, so that the logo of your brand comes out in the place you want when users visit different locations in virtual mode.

6. Advertise on Snapchat

Our snapchat team says, there are 3 ways to advertise in Snapchat: 

The “Snap Ads”, the approved Geofilters and the Sponsored Filters. Snap Ads are vertical videos in full screen, and with a maximum duration of 10 seconds. In them you can add calls to  action to invite the users to see your proposals and things. Snap Ads can add an audio track that plays automatically. For its part, Sponsored Geofilters grant users to send Snaps from specific locations, while activating you to distinguish your business with a special logo or image within the App Map. Finally, the Sponsored Filters are technologically more difficult, while their hazard and interactivity are very effective in terms of advertising. It’s about making an Augmented Reality mask for users to play with and create their own Snaps.

7. Partner with influencers 

Partner with Influencers in Popular We have already known about the advantages of Influencer Marketing, and how addressing a Micro Influencer can give your local business the promotion it needs. We suggest you to use the fame and reach of an Influencer to promote your business on Snapchat.To get the most reach of this technique, you must identify or select an influencer that goes with your brand style, and gave a profit (e.g. free merchandise or something like that) in exchange for you periodically create Snaps that boost your products,business or the values of your brand. This will boost your popularity and attract new followers into your account. We can conclude that if your business is focused on a young audience, it is highly recommended to take Snapchat to reach that sector of the audience. This will not only deliver to promote your business and reach your target, but will give a fresh and popularity to your brand. 


Snapchat is developing in popularity. If your business doesn’t have any Snapchat account, you need to create one account at the earliest. But once your account is active, you need to get followers and keep them committed. Overall, you want to make sure your Snapchat marketing strategy makes your business better and faster. In addition to making brand awareness, you want to boost sales as well. Whether Snapchat is new for you or you’re looking for a fresh insight to spice up your existing Snapchat marketing campaign, the tips above are a great place to start. 

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